End Date (year)
Announcement Type

Research Category

Internal Deadline

NSERC announces second round of funding for science communications skills 


Program Summary


NSERC is launching the second year of a pilot funding opportunity to enhance the communications skills of students and researchers in the natural sciences and engineering. Such skills will contribute to science literacy, help counter science-related misinformation, and foster a role for science in evidence-based decision making.


The pilot program, Science Communication Skills grant (pilot), is targeted at organizations that provide science communication skills training to STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) students, fellows, and faculty from Canadian post-secondary institutions. The training should have as its goal the effective communication of science to the general public. Organizations may request up to $20,000 in funding for a one year period.


Eligible activities include:


  • training workshops in science communication skills
  • mentorship activities
  • conferences, symposia or webinars
  • development of resources in tandem with delivery


Funds may be used for new activities or for improvements to content or delivery of existing activities. Training linked to course-work requirements (i.e., degree or diploma programs) is not eligible. Grants may not be used to support research.


 UPEI Submission Process and Deadlines


To facilitate selection and/or potential collaboration among applicants, UPEI will hold an internal review process. 


1) Applicants will submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to Research Services by April 9, 2021.  The LOI (maximum two pages) will contain the following:


  • List of names of the principal investigator and any collaborating investigators (and their affiliation)
  • Title of the project
  • Description of the proposed activity(ies) and the objectives
  • Relevant information about timelines, resources, targeted groups, etc.
  • The planned approach for promoting participation from a diverse group of trainees
  • An overview of how the funding would be spent and details on other sources of funding, as applicable
  • A description of the relevant experience of the PI/team in science communication skills training


2) An internal selection process will be held, and applicants will be notified of the outcome by April 16, 2021.


3) The selected applicant will prepare their application following NSERC's application process and submit for internal approval using the Romeo Researcher Portal by May 10, 2021.  Upon confirmation of approval from Research Services, the principal investigator will upload their application to NSERC’s Secure Submission Site by May 17, 2021.