End Date (year)
Announcement Type

Research Category

Internal Deadline

SSHRC ’s Imagining Canada’s Future (ICF) initiative has launched the ICF Ideas Lab, an exciting new pilot funding opportunity for scholars from all disciplines who are interested in developing innovative solutions to global challenges in collaboration with others.


In the ICF Ideas Lab, researchers from across Canada will come together in a virtual workshop to address the global challenge of Living within the Earth’s Carrying Capacity with a dedicated focus on “Canada and the Circular Economy.”


At the workshop, participants will form research teams and develop ground-breaking project ideas with the potential to inform policies and programs addressing the needs of diverse sectors throughout Canada. Following the workshop, teams with the most promising project ideas will be invited to apply for funding; up to 3 grants of up to $250,000 will be awarded by March 2022, for two years.


More information about the ICF Ideas Lab can be found on the ICF webpage or contact KSG-SSC@sshrc-crsh.gc.ca.


Webinars will be held on May 19 (English) and May 20 (French) to answer questions about the funding opportunity; more details can be found on SSHRC's webinars page.


UPEI application process for Stage 1 - Expression of Interest:

1) Complete your Expression of Interest (EOI) using the Convergence Portal.  

2) Generate a PDF view of the EOI and submit it for UPEI approval using the Researcher Portal and selecting the "Research Funding Administrative Approvals Form for GRANT Applications (rev Dec 2020)".  Instructions for using the Researcher Portal can be found here.  Applicants are requested to submit by July 9, 2021, ensuring that the application is received by Research Services by July 13, 2021.
Please note -- as funding is not associated with the EOI, the "Direct and indirect project costs" spreadsheet does not need to be completed at this stage.
3) Upon receipt of UPEI approvals, you will be notified to proceed with the submission of your EOI in the Convergence Portal.  Research Services will forward your application to SSHRC.  SSHRC's deadline for submission is July 16, 2021.