End Date (year)
Announcement Type

Research Category

Internal Deadline

NSERC invites applications for initiatives that promote the natural sciences and engineering (NSE) to Canada’s young people, particularly to under-represented groups in NSE careers, including girls and Indigenous peoples. 


PromoScience supports hands-on learning experiences for young students and their teachers. Grants may not be used to support research. 


The maximum allowable request is $200,000/year for 3 years. NSERC will not fund 100% of the costs of a proposed activity. NSERC’s contribution is generally up to one-third of a program’s funding, but NSERC will allow more flexibility if justified for competition 2022 given the circumstances surrounding COVID-19. 


Only one application may be submitted per department in a post-secondary institution per competition year.   


For more information, visit the PromoScience website. 


UPEI Submission Process 2022:


Due to NSERC’s application limit, each department can submit only one application. 


1) Applicants will submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to their Chair (or Dean for non-departmentalized faculties) by Monday, August 8th.  The LOI (limit one page) will contain the following: 

  • List of names of the principal investigator and co-investigators (and their affiliation) 
  • Title of the project 
  • A description of the project that includes the following information: 
    • A description of the nature and goals of the program including the anticipated number of youth or teachers to be reached  
    • An overview of how the PromoScience funding would be spent and details on other sources of funding (confirmed and/or anticipated) 
    • A description of the relevant experience of the applicant and other team members in science or engineering promotion 


2) Chairs/Deans will select the top LOI from their faculty (or, if appropriate, encourage a collaborative application among interested applicants) and inform Research Services of the selected principal applicant from their department by Friday, August 26th.  Chairs/Deans should consult with Research Services regarding any questions about the eligibility of proposed applications. 


3) Selected applicants will prepare their application following NSERC's application process and must submit the application using the UPEI Romeo Researcher Portal for internal review and approval by September 8th, ensuing that the application is received by Research Services by September 12th.  Upon receipt of approval from Research Services, applicants must submit their application to NSERC electronically using NSERC’s ICSP Secure Submission Site.