Funding Organization

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Sept 20 , 2022 (10:30-noon) HSB 103


The Halifax Winter 2023 cohort of Lab2Market <> program is accepting applications. Lab2Market is a 16-week training program in research commercialization and entrepreneurship. Graduate students, PhD students or postdocs can apply alongside their principal investigator and may receive $15k in funding to explore their research's commercial market. 

Join an in-person information session to hear more about the Lab2Market program.  UPEI graduate students, Ph.D. students, Postdocs, and supervisors are eligible to apply to Lab2Market programs.   

UPEI Campus

Health Sciences Center Room 103

10:30 Am - Noon

Please RSVP to :


What we offer:

01. Hands-on support.

Based on lean methodology, we work with you to help validate your idea’s business potential.

02. Access to best-in-class mentors.

You will have access to founders, industry leaders, service providers (IP agents, lawyers, accountants) and more to help you through the process.

03. $15,000 in funding.

We provide each team with up to $15,000 to support the costs of getting your idea off the ground. 

04. Curriculum.

Whether it be learning to pitch or understanding your customers, we will be bringing together experts to share their knowledge and experiences to help you refine your idea.