Funding Organization
Research Category
he Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) are launching a Knowledge Synthesis Grants (KSG) funding opportunity to assess the state of research knowledge on the topic of gender-based violence under SSHRC’s Imagining Canada’s Future initiative.
This call for proposals focuses on the state of knowledge on gender-based violence (GBV) in Canada such as the impact of GBV on different populations, the efficacy of services addressing and preventing GBV, or the needs of victims and survivors of GBV. The KSGs on gender-based violence will support synthesizing existing knowledge and identifying knowledge gaps on this topic and stimulate knowledge mobilization. By reaching a variety of audiences, including decision-makers, this knowledge can, ultimately, contribute towards a Canada free of gender-based violence.
Knowledge Synthesis Grants are not intended to support original research. Rather, they are intended to support the synthesis of existing research knowledge and the identification of knowledge gaps. This call is particularly focused on the state of research produced over the past 10 years.
Knowledge Synthesis Grants are valued at $30,000 for one year.
For more information, please see the funding opportunity description.
UPEI Application Process
Complete your application using SSHRC’s online system.
Generate a PDF of the application and submit it for UPEI approval using the Researcher Portal and selecting the "Research GRANTS Approvals Form (rev Jan 2022)" (instructions can be found here).
Submit in Researcher Portal by at least August 25, 2022.
Deadline to Research Services: August 29, 2022
SSHRC’s deadline for submission is September 1, 2022. To provide Research Services sufficient time to access and submit applications, applicants are requested to electronically submit before August 31, 2022.