End Date (year)

Funding Organization

Announcement Type

Research Category

The NSERC Discovery Grant (DG) Notification of Intent to Apply (NOI) is now available on the Research Portal.
Researchers who intend to apply for a DG in Fall 2022 must submit an NOI by the deadline date of Tuesday, August 2, 2022, 8:00 p.m. (ET). The NOI is mandatory when applying for a Discovery Grant. Applicants who do not submit an NOI cannot submit a full application.
Applicants are not required to submit their NOI to Research Services in advance for review and signature.  However, applicants may request feedback on their NOI (optional) if submitted sufficiently in advance of the deadline; please contact Leslie Cudmore (lcudmore@upei.ca).  
Please note:
  • Individuals with grants expiring in 2022-23 who are eligible for the COVID-19 extension with funds (who have not previously received this extension) will be contacted by NSERC in the month of June with information on how to accept the funded extension. 
  • The Early Career Researcher (ECR) option for Discovery Grant extension with funds process will commence in May. Grant recipients who are eligible to begin their early career researchers extension with funds will be offered and asked to accept that funded extension before being offered the Discovery Grants one-year extension with funds due to COVID-19 the following year.