End Date (year)
Announcement Type

Research Category

Internal Deadline

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) are launching the Gender-Based Violence Research Initiative 


WAGE will invest up to $2,500,000 and SSHRC up to $1,000,000 over four years to co-fund research projects that address Gender-based violence (GBV). The goal of this initiative is to support academic researchers, in partnership with other research-focused and community-based organizations, to advance knowledge on, and analyze the causes and persistence of GBV in Canada. 



The GBV Research Initiative will award approximately five grants for four-year formal research partnerships between a post-secondary institution and at least one or more partner organizations from the not-for-profit, public and/or private sectors, to foster the co-creation of new knowledge, capacity-building and knowledge mobilization on critical issues relating to gender-based violence in Canada.  


The initiative will seek to support a diverse portfolio of projects aligned with the themes below: 


  • Shelters and housing 
  • Violence against LGBTQ2+ People 

  • Natural Resources, Work Camps and Sexual Violence 

  • Access to Justice and Prevention of GBV 

  • Technology-facilitated GBV against Youth 



Value and Duration 

Grants offered under the Gender-Based Violence Research Initiative are valued at up to $100,000 for the first year and up to $200,000 annually for the following three years, for an overall total maximum of up to $700,000 over four years.  


For more information, please see the funding opportunity description. 


UPEI Application Process 


Complete your application using the Convergence Portal following the application instructions here. 


Submit the application for UPEI approval using the Romeo Researcher Portal and selecting the "Research GRANTS Approvals Form (rev Jan 2022)" (instructions can be found here).   

Submit in Romeo Researcher Portal by at least September 28, 2022.  

Deadline to Office of Research Services: October 3, 2022 


SSHRC’s deadline for submission is October 6, 2022.  To provide the Office of Research Services sufficient time to access and forward applications, applicants are requested to submit in the Convergence Portal before October 5, 2022.