Call for Internal SoTL Research Grant (ISRG)
Funding Organization
Research Category
The Internal SoTL Research Grant (ISRG) program supports research pursuits in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) through the funding of fully developed research proposals. Researchers are encouraged to provide high-quality student training opportunities and to propose collaborations with others from different but complementary disciplines.
VALUE: up to $1,500 for a two-year term, ISRG proposals for lesser amounts will be considered favourably.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 13, 2022, by 4 pm.
ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Tenured, Tenure Track, Term and Sessional UPEI Faculty in Arts, AVC, Business, Education, IKERAS, Nursing, Science, or Sustainable Design Engineering, Librarians, and Lab Instructors who are employed by UPEI at the time of application and for the duration of the award. A professor emeritus or adjunct professor may apply as a co-applicant with a tenure/tenure-track UPEI faculty member. Please review the general information in the Guidelines for other eligibility considerations.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Program guidelines and application instructions can be found here:
Apply using the UPEI Romeo Researcher Portal.
Call for UPEI Internal Research Grants and SSHRC Explore Research Grants
Funding Organization
Research Category
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships - Call for applications and process
Funding Organization
Research Category
Banting Fellowships - UPEI Submission Process
For information on the Banting Fellowships, visit:
Please submit the below documents by email to, by the deadline of Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 4pm.
o Banting Application Details Form (print-out from ResearchNet)
CV and Supporting Documents:
o A Validated Banting Common CV
o Research Contributions attachment
o Leadership Contributions attachment
o Special Circumstances attachment (if applicable)
Project Information Attachments:
o Research Proposal
o Bibliography
o Supervisor's Statement
If the application is selected for institutional nomination to Banting, the Faculty of Graduate Studies will work with the applicant and their supervisor to prepare the institutional endorsement letter.
The applicant will also be required to complete and attach the signed Fulfillment of Degree Requirements Form, and arrange for three (3) referee assessments.
Note: Although referee assessments are not required for the UPEI internal adjudication, applicants should contact their selected referees in advance to seek their agreement to provide an assessment well before the application deadline date. It is the applicant’s sole responsibility to follow up with referees to ensure the assessments are submitted prior to the deadline date and therefore ensure the application completeness.
UPEI Research Travel Funding programs open to receive applications
Funding Organization
Research Category
Call for Abstracts: UPEI Undergraduate Research Days
Funding Organization
Research Category
UPEI Research Services - Virtual Bring Your Own Lunch Event
Funding Organization
UPEI Research Services
Virtual Bring Your Own Lunch Event
on Wednesday, April 14, from noon - 1 pm.
We will be available to answer questions about research grant applications, UPEI Researcher Portal, and compliance. Please pre-register for the virtual event by emailing researchservices@
If your questions can't wait and/or you are unable to attend on April 14th, then please don't hesitate to contact us at any time at
2021-2022 Banting Postdoctoral Fellows Call for Applications
Funding Organization
Research Category
Online Training: Researcher Portal for Animal Users
Funding Organization
Research Category
Online training on how to use Animal Care Committee Forms in Researcher Portal is available. This training seminar is open to anyone using Animal Care Committee forms.
Title: Introduction to Animal Care Committee Forms in Researcher Portal
Date: Tuesday, May 18
Time: 10:00-11:00
If you would like to attend, please contact Jennifer Knight ( for login information.
Institutional Biosafety Committee Memo: Summer Students and Biosafety
Funding Organization
Research Category
On behalf of the UPEI Institutional Biosafety Committee Chair, please see the attached memo.