Grant writing webinar June 17 2021

Announcement Type

UPEI Research Services is hosting a virtual grant writing webinar on June 17, 2021, from 1 - 3 pm.  This webinar is open to all UPEI researchers across all disciplines. In addition, the 2019-2023 UPEI Strategic Plan outlines UPEI’s commitment to identifying resources and supports to enhance institutional support to assist researchers in effectively identifying and pursuing research funding. 

Dr. Nicole St. Denis of High-Fidelity Science Communications ( will present this session. Topics covered will include choosing funding opportunities, planning the proposal, writing each section of the proposal, and revising and improving the draft proposal. Dr. St. Denis has been editing professionally since 2017. Since then, she has edited hundreds of manuscripts and has demonstrated success assisting clients obtain research funding.   

For those interested in attending, please pre-register by email: 

UPEI IRAP CTO Program 2021 - 2022

Announcement Type
Deadline Alternative Text
Open deadline

Research Category


Program Summary: To provide technical advice to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to assist in advancing SME-specific applied research & development challenges that may lead to future collaborations. 


Eligible Applicants: UPEI Faculty 


Available Funding: A maximum of $5,000 per project 



  1. Project must initiate a new relationship with an Industry Partner and have a reasonable potential to lead to future collaborations. 
  2. Project must provide scientific and technical advice to an Industry Partner to solve an industry specific challenge.  
  3. Industry Partner must be a for-profit SME within Canada that can further develop or implement the technical advice into their operations. 
  4. Only one project is allowed per Faculty member and only one project per Industry Partner* 


Project Information: 

  1. Project duration is a maximum of 2 months.  
  2. Type of activities may include but are not limited to prototype testing, laboratory testing or computer testing. 
  3. Eligible expenses are professional fees only.  



  1. Two-page application form to be completed by the Industry Partner and the Faculty member (Application attached)  
  2. The completed application form should be emailed to Dr. Marc Richard (  
  3. OCI2 and NRC IRAP will review the application and the decision on funding will be provided within 2 weeks. Prior to making any funding decision, NRC IRAP will contact the Industry Partner to confirm that the project assists with an industry specific challenge. 
  4. Applications will be accepted until February 28, 2022 or until the funds have been used. 
  5. All projects must be completed by March 31, 2022. 


Reporting Requirements:  

  • A final report is due at end of the project.  
  • A copy of the final report should be provided to the Industry Partner and Synapse.  
  • Funding will be issued after the final report has been submitted and funds received from NRC IRAP. 


For more information contact: 

Marc Richard, PhD 

Business Development Officer, OCI2 

University of Prince Edward Island,

Duffy Research Center 524

T: 902-894-2877 E: 


*Exceptions may apply and are subject to evaluation and approval by OCI2. If existing funds are underutilized or additional funds are granted, Faculty/Industry Partners may be eligible for additional projects. 

Call for Expressions of Interest – UPEI Undergraduate Research Days

Announcement Type
Deadline Alternative Text
Please indicate interest before deadline date
Internal Deadline

The office of the VP Academic and Research is looking to determine if there is sufficient interest from undergraduate students to hold an Undergraduate Research Days (URD) event.  UPEI URD is anticipated to be scheduled over 1 or 2 days during the week of August 9th.  The event would be held in virtual format, and students would provide a PowerPoint presentation of approximately 10 minutes over Zoom.  Presentations would be judged with prizes available for the top participants. 

Please forward this message to any students who might be interested in participating, and request that they complete this short form to indicate their interest before June 29, 2021.  This information will be used for planning purposes, and if interest is sufficient, a formal call for UPEI URD will be issued in July.
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