Call for Expressions of Interest: OGEN Studentships related to ‘Marine Conservation Targets’ and Oceans and Climate Change Science
Funding Organization
Research Category
Call for Expressions of Interest: OGEN Studentships related to ‘Marine Conservation Targets’ and Oceans and Climate Change Science
About this opportunity
The Ocean Graduate Excellence Network (OGEN) has applied for an envelope of funding in the recent Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) science funding opportunity call. If successful, the funds will be used to support up to potentially seven OGEN PhD Studentships on projects related to the DFO priority research area of ‘Marine Conservation Targets’ and connected to oceans and climate change science. Projects must also fit with OFI’s mission.
If successful, DFO funding would be available as early as September 1, 2022; DFO funding ends March 31, 2025. Funding will be pro-rated for students starting after September 2022.
Expressions of interest are due June 10th to Tracey Woodhouse ( Please review the attached call and EOI form for full details and do not hesitate to each out to Tracey with any questions.
Final project funding is contingent on a successful outcome from the DFO call and fit with OFI’s and OGEN’s missions. EOIs will not be selected until the DFO application outcome is known. OGEN student funding cannot be communicated to students until projects are selected and confirmed.