Webinar for NFRF 2021 Exploration stream

Funding Organization

Announcement Type

The 2021 Exploration stream competition of the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) was launched on June 22. All competition documents are available on our website, and the Convergence Portal is open.


The competition has 2 stages:


1.       Notification of Intent to Apply (NOI) stage with a deadline of August 102021 (at 8 p.m. Eastern Time)

2.       Full Application stage with a deadline of October 192021 (at 8 p.m. Eastern Time)


Applications at each stage must be submitted by the RGOs.

RGOs are free to set their own internal deadlines.


In preparation for the NOI deadline, we encourage all applicants interested in submitting a NOI, as well as the research administrators, to participate in one of the two upcoming webinars. Below are the dates, times and links to the webinars.


July 13th – 2021 Exploration NOI – French

10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Eastern Time

Meeting link – Event password: GpBTpRMB572


July 13th – 2021 Exploration NOI – English

1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern Time

Meeting link – Event password: KcwdeVSs354


Webinars will be recorded and they will be made available along with the presentation slides to the research administrators after the session.   

For more information, please contact: NFRF-FNFR@chairs-chaires.gc.ca.



Call for SSHRC Insight Grants October 2021 Competition

End Date (year)
Deadline Alternative Text
French Webinar: August 20, 2021

Research Category

Internal Deadline

The online application form for the SSHRC Insight Grants October 2021 competition is now available.  SSHRC's application deadline is October 1, 2021.  Please see the SSHRC website for the more information. 


The maximum value of an Insight Grant is $400,000, over two to five years.  Applicants may choose one of two streams when applying for an Insight Grant, depending on the amount of funding required: Stream A for requests between $7,000 and $100,000, and Stream B for requests between $100,001 and $400,000.   


UPEI Application Process: 


Applicants must submit their application using the UPEI Romeo Researcher Portal for internal review and approval by September 24, 2021 and ensure that it reaches Research Services for review by September 28, 2021


Deadline for applicants to submit the application in SSHRC's online system: September 29, 2021

Research Services is responsible for submitting applications to the agency; therefore, applicants must meet the internal deadline for e-submission to ensure that there is sufficient time to access and forward applications before SSHRC’s deadline. 



SSHRC will be holding webinars to provide information and answer questions about the upcoming IG competition via WebEx. Advance registration is not required.  


English session: 

Date: August 19, 2021 

Time: 2:00 – 3:30 PM (Atlantic Time) 

Link to meeting: click here 


French session: 

Date: August 20, 2021 

Time: 2:00 – 3:30 PM (Atlantic Time) 

Link to meeting: click here 


Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

End Date (year)

Funding Organization

Announcement Type
Internal Deadline

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program is designed to support worldclass students pursuing doctoral degrees at Canadian universities. The scholarship awards $50,000 per year for three years. The program is open to both Canadian and international students. Students must be nominated by the Canadian university at which they plan to study.

UPEI has an allocation for the 2021-22 competition of:

• one (1) nomination for NSERC

• one (1) nomination for SSHRC


See link below for complete discription and details about funding oppertunity. 

Call for Applications: 2021-22 PEI Climate Challenge Fund

End Date (year)

Funding Organization

Announcement Type

Research Category

Internal Deadline

In 2020, the Government of Prince Edward Island established a $1-million annual Climate Challenge Fund (CC Fund). The CC Fund is intended to support the development of innovative solutions to the threat of climate change.

The goal of the CC Fund is to empower people of different backgrounds, experiences, and expertise, who work across sectors and in different communities throughout the Island, to contribute to climate action in any or all of the following areas:
• adapting to projected impacts of climate change;
• reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
• increasing opportunities for carbon sequestration (the removal and storage of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere);
• building capacity and resilience through public outreach and education; and/or
• expanding climate change research and knowledge.


CC Fund contributions will be limited to a maximum of $100,000 per applicant/year.

For academic institutions, the CC Fund will contribute funding of 70% of eligible expenditures. Successful applicants may use in-kind resources, or other Federal or Provincial funds as their share of the eligible costs, subject to the stacking rules or policies inherent to other programs.  

Overhead costs must be included in the budget at a rate of five per cent of the total funding request.  

All projects approved for 2021-22 funds must be completed by March 31, 2023.

Application Process and Deadlines

Applications submitted by April 30, 2021 will be considered in the first round of approvals for distribution of 2021-22 funds. Applications received after this date will be considered and evaluated, depending on the remaining availability of funds.

To obtain UPEI approval, applicants must complete a PDF-fillable application form (contact lcudmore@upei.ca to obtain this document) and CCF Timeline and Budget Worksheet and upload these documents, along with any other attachments (e.g., partner support letters), in the UPEI Researcher Portal.  Applicants intending to meet the April 30th deadline must submit their application for approval in the UPEI Researcher Portal by April 23rd and ensure that it reaches Research Services for review by April 27, 2021.

Upon approval of the application, you will be provided with a copy of the signature page, signed by the Vice-President, Academic and Research.  The application must then be completed and submitted using the CCF online application form, uploading the signature page in Section 2 (Project Information).  

For more information, visit https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/service/apply-pei-climate-challenge-fund

SSHRC's Imagining Canada’s Future Ideas Lab: Canada and the Circular Economy

End Date (year)
Announcement Type

Research Category

Internal Deadline

SSHRC ’s Imagining Canada’s Future (ICF) initiative has launched the ICF Ideas Lab, an exciting new pilot funding opportunity for scholars from all disciplines who are interested in developing innovative solutions to global challenges in collaboration with others.


In the ICF Ideas Lab, researchers from across Canada will come together in a virtual workshop to address the global challenge of Living within the Earth’s Carrying Capacity with a dedicated focus on “Canada and the Circular Economy.”


At the workshop, participants will form research teams and develop ground-breaking project ideas with the potential to inform policies and programs addressing the needs of diverse sectors throughout Canada. Following the workshop, teams with the most promising project ideas will be invited to apply for funding; up to 3 grants of up to $250,000 will be awarded by March 2022, for two years.


More information about the ICF Ideas Lab can be found on the ICF webpage or contact KSG-SSC@sshrc-crsh.gc.ca.


Webinars will be held on May 19 (English) and May 20 (French) to answer questions about the funding opportunity; more details can be found on SSHRC's webinars page.


UPEI application process for Stage 1 - Expression of Interest:

1) Complete your Expression of Interest (EOI) using the Convergence Portal.  

2) Generate a PDF view of the EOI and submit it for UPEI approval using the Researcher Portal and selecting the "Research Funding Administrative Approvals Form for GRANT Applications (rev Dec 2020)".  Instructions for using the Researcher Portal can be found here.  Applicants are requested to submit by July 9, 2021, ensuring that the application is received by Research Services by July 13, 2021.
Please note -- as funding is not associated with the EOI, the "Direct and indirect project costs" spreadsheet does not need to be completed at this stage.
3) Upon receipt of UPEI approvals, you will be notified to proceed with the submission of your EOI in the Convergence Portal.  Research Services will forward your application to SSHRC.  SSHRC's deadline for submission is July 16, 2021.

Online Training: Researcher Portal for Animal Users

Announcement Type

Research Category


Online training on how to use Animal Care Committee Forms in Researcher Portal is available. This training seminar is open to anyone using Animal Care Committee forms.

Title: Introduction to Animal Care Committee Forms in Researcher Portal

Date: Tuesday, May 18

Time: 10:00-11:00

If you would like to attend, please contact Jennifer Knight (jbknight@upei.ca) for login information.

Path2Innovation Applications Now Open

End Date (year)

Funding Organization

Announcement Type

Dal Innovates is excited to share the opening of applications for Path2Innovation (P2I)!

P2I is a three-day program for Atlantic Canadian graduate students, post-docs and faculty taking place July 28 – 30 over Zoom. The program explores the value of entrepreneurial thinking as a means of developing careers and advancing research, innovations, and turning ideas into impacts, whether that be scientific, economic, social, cultural or environmental. P2I is supported by the Government of Canada through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.

Applications are now open and will close on July 19th.

Apply here: https://dalinnovates.ca/programs/nnce/path2innovation/

Mitacs Program and Eligibility Update – Virtual Event

Funding Organization

Announcement Type
UPEI Research Services and the Office of Commercialization, Industry and Innovation are pleased to host a virtual session with Niraj Shukla, Mitacs Director, Business Development and Team Lead, Atlantic. Niraj will provide details on the recent updates to the Mitacs programs.  The virtual presentation will be held on Tuesday June 22, 2021, from 10- 11am. With recently announced funding increases, several key programs have expanded partner and student eligibility.  This session may be of interest to any researchers hoping to develop or expand partnerships with industry, not-for-profit, or other partners.
Please pre-register to attend the session by emailing: researchservices@upei.ca
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