NSERC 2022 – CGS Master's Question and Answer sessions

Announcement Type
Deadline Alternative Text
Nov 1, 8, 10 and 17 2022 (English sessions)

Research Category


Please see below for information from NSERC regarding Q&A sessions for the Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's program



Tuesday, November 1 (in English)

1 pm to 3 pm (Eastern Time)

Link: https://nsercvideo.webex.com/nsercvideo-fr/j.php?MTID=m11dbd2e158166331715e52288a7d1fb9


Thursday, November 3 (in French)

1 pm to 3pm (Eastern Time)

Link: https://nsercvideo.webex.com/nsercvideo-fr/j.php?MTID=m8a8aaeaab7a56b81afba9b2dfbcc92d0


Tuesday, November 8 (in English)

10 am to noon (Eastern Time)

Link: https://nsercvideo.webex.com/nsercvideo-fr/j.php?MTID=md347dab015caab6a8f9e1e31a8a0150c


Thursday, November 10 (in English)

1 pm to 3pm (Eastern Time)

Link: https://nsercvideo.webex.com/nsercvideo-fr/j.php?MTID=m0ca8d4dfd4cbca680ceadb4cc7121148


Tuesday, November 15 (in French)

10 am to noon (Eastern Time)

Link: https://nsercvideo.webex.com/nsercvideo-fr/j.php?MTID=m79d87cbf35fcdeda5422452e88a49152


Thursday, November 17 (in English)

1 pm to 3pm (Eastern Time)

Link: https://nsercvideo.webex.com/nsercvideo-fr/j.php?MTID=m38d1de06dbf533cb9afe19744b2653d2


These sessions will be hosted as live Q&A WebEx events. They are supported by a series of informational videos available on the NSERC YouTube channel. These videos are intended to completely replace the presentation portion of the NSERC sessions, allowing NSERC staff and applicants to engage in a more in-depth and detailed Q&A session than we would normally have time for. Participants should watch the videos in advance and come to the Q&A session with specific questions in mind.

Please attend any of the sessions that best suits your schedule. Registration is not required.


Playlist - Scholarships & Fellowships program application tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6ox0GB7vXYlhaAY7mEqwmMqYK9TGCp1E

NSERC - Extensions for upcoming NSERC grant deadlines for Atlantic Institutions

Announcement Type

Research Category

NSERC is aware of the impact Hurricane Fiona has had on researchers and postsecondary institutions in Atlantic Canada. Due to the widespread damage, power-outages, and disruptions, NSERC has extended deadlines for applicants submitting from post-secondary institutions in the Atlantic provinces to the following:


The extension process for RTI applications is as follows:
For UPEI researchers who are principal applicants: 
NSERC needs to be advised of the extension requirement before October 25. Therefore, please notify Research Services (lcudmore@upei.ca) that you require an extension by October 21 so that your extension request can be communicated to NSERC. Applicants should create the RTI application form in NSERC's Research Portal by this time to allow NSERC to extend the deadline date.
For UPEI researchers who are co-applicants on RTI applications with a principal applicant outside of the Atlantic provinces: 
If an extension is required, the co-applicant must contact resgrant@nserc-crsng.gc.ca, and cc the principal applicant and RGO at the administering institution.
For Discovery Grant applicants:
The Research Portal will automatically remain open for applicants who submitted NOIs until November 7th to allow applicants additional time to submit their applications. UPEI applicants have been contacted directly with revised internal timelines.
Discovery Horizons
The Discovery Horizons deadline for invited full applications is on October 18th. For UPEI researchers who are co-applicants on applications with a principal applicant outside of the Atlantic provinces: If an extension is required, the co-applicant must contact horizons@nserc-crsng.gc.ca ahead of the deadline, while including the principal applicant in cc. These requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Undergraduate Research Days and Graduate Studies Research Conference

Funding Organization

Announcement Type

You are invited to come out and see research that undergraduate and graduate students are doing at UPEI. The Undergraduate Research Days will be held on October 11 and 12 in the H. Alex MacKinnon Auditorium (Room 242), Don and Marion McDougall Hall starting at 9 am on both days. The Graduate Research Conference will be held on October 13 and 14, also in H. Alex MacKinnon Auditorium (Room 242), Don and Marion McDougall Hall starting at 9 am daily.  

Please come out and support and encourage research at UPEI.

For a schedule for either event, please contact Colleen Gallant at cgallant@upei.ca.

Call for Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's program and Indigenous Scholars Awards and Supplements Pilot Initiative

End Date (year)

Funding Organization

Deadline Alternative Text
1:30pm-3:00pm via zoom contact cgallant@upei.ca

The objective of the Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s (CGS M) program is to help develop research skills and assist in the training of highly qualified personnel by supporting students who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in undergraduate and early graduate studies. 


Program Overview 

  • The value of these scholarships is $17,500 for 12 months, non-renewable 
  • To be eligible to apply, you must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada or a Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) as of the application deadline date 


Complete program details are available at http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/PG-CS/CGSM-BESCM_eng.asp. Please consult the program description to verify the eligibility of the applicant, program of study, location of tenure, and field of research.   


Instructions for the application process are available at http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/ResearchPortal-PortailDeRecherche/Instructions-Instructions/index_eng.asp. 


*Indigenous Scholars Awards and Supplements Pilot Initiative* 

Offered by NSERC and SSHRC, this pilot initiative will provide, to the limit of available funding, a $5,000 supplement to qualifying Indigenous CGS M award holders, and provide a $17,500 award and a $5,000 supplement to qualifying Indigenous candidates who are on the waitlist (i.e., alternate candidates) for the CGS M program. Applicants will apply via the CGS M program, and must: 

  • be eligible to apply to the CGS M program; 
  • self-identify as Indigenous for the purposes of this initiative; 
  • provide a one-page (3,000 characters maximum) personal statement; and 
  • have had their application deemed meritorious in the CGS M review process. 

For more information see the Indigenous Scholars Awards and Supplements Pilot Initiative. 


Submission and acceptance process: 

Applicants will complete and submit an application using the Research Portal and Canadian Common CV 

Deadline: December 1, 2022  

Note: You can select up to three institutions; however, you may select only institutions where: 

  • you are currently enrolled in an eligible program of study and intend to pursue your studies, OR 
  • you will apply for admission to an eligible program of study by the internal deadline set by the institution(s) indicated in your application 


Offers of awards will be made available in the Research Portal as of April 1, 2023 

You must regularly check the Research Portal between April 1 and January 31 for the results of the competition.  For more information regarding Notification of Results, see here.   



UPEI allocation of CGS Master’s awards for the 2022 competition is as follows:   

CIHR: 1 award 

NSERC: 2 awards 

SSHRC: 2 awards 


Allocations for other institutions can be found here: https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/CGSAllocations-QuotasBESC_eng.asp  


Information session: 

A virtual information session regarding the CGS Master’s Program will be held on Friday, October 7, from 1:30pm-3:00pm via Zoom.  Potential applicants, supervisors and any other interested individuals are welcome to attend.  To register, please email Colleen Gallant at cgallant@upei.ca.  Connection information will be sent closer to the date of the event.   

MITACS PROGRAM - Information Session

Funding Organization

Announcement Type
Deadline Alternative Text
1:30pm - AVC287N
Attached File



UPEI Research Services and the Office of Commercialization, Industry, and Innovation are pleased to host an in-person session with Matt Adams, Mitacs Business Development Specialist.

Matt will provide details on the Mitacs programs.  The in-person presentation will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2022, from 1:30 to 3 pm in AVC287N.  This session will interest researchers hoping to develop or expand partnerships with industry, not-for-profit, or other partners.

There is also time for one-on-one sessions with Matt to answer specific questions on Sept 15th.  

Please pre-register to attend the in-person and/or one-on-one sessions by emailing: researchservices@upei.ca.


Lab2Market Information Session

Funding Organization

Announcement Type
Deadline Alternative Text
Sept 20 , 2022 (10:30-noon) HSB 103


The Halifax Winter 2023 cohort of Lab2Market <https://lab2market.ca/> program is accepting applications. Lab2Market is a 16-week training program in research commercialization and entrepreneurship. Graduate students, PhD students or postdocs can apply alongside their principal investigator and may receive $15k in funding to explore their research's commercial market. 

Join an in-person information session to hear more about the Lab2Market program.  UPEI graduate students, Ph.D. students, Postdocs, and supervisors are eligible to apply to Lab2Market programs.   

UPEI Campus

Health Sciences Center Room 103

10:30 Am - Noon

Please RSVP to : researchservices@upei.ca.


What we offer:

01. Hands-on support.

Based on lean methodology, we work with you to help validate your idea’s business potential.

02. Access to best-in-class mentors.

You will have access to founders, industry leaders, service providers (IP agents, lawyers, accountants) and more to help you through the process.

03. $15,000 in funding.

We provide each team with up to $15,000 to support the costs of getting your idea off the ground. 

04. Curriculum.

Whether it be learning to pitch or understanding your customers, we will be bringing together experts to share their knowledge and experiences to help you refine your idea.

Lab2Market: Winter 2023 Cohort

End Date (year)

Funding Organization

Announcement Type
The Halifax Winter 2023 cohort of Lab2Market <https://lab2market.ca/> program will be accepting applications until September 16, 2022. Lab2Market is a 16-week training program in research commercialization and entrepreneurship. Graduate students, PhD students or postdocs can apply alongside their principal investigator and may receive $15k in funding to explore their research's commercial market. 
If you're a Primary Investigator, Post-Doc, or Graduate student looking to learn about the entrepreneurial potential of your research, please reach out to the Office of Commercialization, Industry, and Innovation for assistance with assessing your idea and proposal before starting the application. Email OCII@upei.ca.
UPEI application process:
It is unnecessary to receive UPEI approval at this stage (expression of interest), but please notify OCII (OCII@upei.ca) that you have submitted your intent to participate.

NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Fall 2022 competition: Information and Webinars

End Date (year)
Announcement Type
Deadline Alternative Text
Webinar (English) Tues, Sept 6, 2022 – 2:00-3:00pm (AT) Thurs, Sept 29, 2022 – 2:00-3:00pm (AT)

Research Category

Internal Deadline

The Research Portal is open for NSERC’s Research Tools and Instruments applications. 


Program Information 


Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) grants foster and enhance the discovery, innovation and training capability of university researchers in the natural sciences and engineering by supporting the purchase of research equipment. 


RTI grants are one-year awards of up to $150,000 that assist in the purchase of research tools and instruments with a net cost between $7,001 and $250,000 (before taxes, customs and importations fees, transportation and shipping charges, and assembly and installation costs). 


NSERC will only accept the following requests: 

  • for tools and instruments that form a comprehensive system intended to support NSERC-funded research in the natural sciences and engineering. 
  • for the purchase of new, used or refurbished equipment, for the repair, upgrade or rental of equipment or for the fabrication of equipment that is not readily available off the shelf 
  • for equipment that is purchased or rented after the application deadline 
Please review NSERC’s RTI eligibility to apply for and hold funds. Researchers can submit one RTI application per competition, either as an applicant or a coapplicant but not both.   
*New for this competition year* RTI applicants and co-applicants who were successful in the previous year’s RTI competition are ineligible to apply for one year. Eligibility will be reinstated the following competition year.  
UPEI Application Process 
Complete your application using NSERC’s Research Portal.   
Submit your application for UPEI approval using the Romeo Researcher Portal by October 18, 2022, ensuring that the application is received by Research Services by October 20, 2022. 
Upon receipt of UPEI approvals, you will be notified to proceed with the online submission of your application in NSERC’s Research Portal by October 24, 2022.  NSERC’s deadline for submission is October 25, 2022.   
Note: For assistance with the Romeo Researcher Portal, please find instructions here or contact Jordan Minx, Research Services Liaison, at jminx@upei.ca. 
NSERC will be hosting Q&A sessions to assist the research community on how to complete an application.  NSERC has created pre-recorded videos for viewing prior to attending a Q&A session.   
English sessions: 
Tuesday, September 6, 2022 – 2:00-3:00pm (AT) 
Thursday, September 29, 2022 – 2:00-3:00pm (AT) 
French sessions: 
Thursday, September 8, 2022 – 2:00-3:00pm (AT) 
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 – 2:00-3:00pm (AT) 
Pre-registration is not required to attend the live Q&A sessions. For more details and login information, please visit NSERC’s Webinars page 

NSERC Alliance Missions grants: Anthropogenic greenhouse gas research

End Date (year)

Funding Organization

Announcement Type

Research Category

Internal Deadline
NSERC has launched Alliance Missions: Anthropogenic greenhouse gas research, a special call aimed to address issues related to climate change. These grants will provide support ranging from $100,000 to $500,000 per year, for a duration of three years, and will encourage interdisciplinary, collaborative research projects supporting net-zero GHG emissions targets. Projects must involve at least one partner organization that can be recognized for cost sharing. Alliance Missions grants are intended to provide support for activities that will: promote interdisciplinary collaboration among academic researchers, federal scientists, private sector scientists, and policy makers to increase the scientific information available to support government decision-making to achieve net-zero GHG emissions targets build scientific capacity in earth system climate science; atmospheric monitoring/modelling; and socio-economic analysis to understand anthropogenic GHG emissions at regional to national scales and/or by sector to inform ambitious GHG mitigation opportunities and to improve understanding of how GHG emissions are changing over time advance Canadian knowledge and tools to inform decision-making processes for achievement of net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 through investigation of anthropogenic GHG emissions and their changes over time Applicants must begin by submitting a letter of intent (LOI) before the LOI deadline. All eligible applicants will then complete a full application to be submitted before the full application deadline. The deadline to submit a letter of intent is September 15, 2022, and to submit a full application is November 8, 2022, using the NSERC online system. For more information, see the program description. UPEI Application Process Letter of Intent (LOI) Applicants must submit their LOI using the UPEI Researcher Portal for internal review and approval by September 8, 2022 and ensure that it reaches Research Services for review by September 12, 2022. Note: A full application form will be made available in the online system within two weeks after the LOI deadline. NSERC will notify teams that they cannot submit a full application if their LOI is not complete and/or does not adhere to program requirements and objectives. Stage 2 (Full Application) Applicants must submit their application using the UPEI Researcher Portal for internal review and approval by November 1, 2022 and ensure that it reaches Research Services for review by November 3, 2022. UPEI deadline for applicants to submit the application in NSERC’s online system: November 7, 2022. Instructions for using the UPEI Researcher Portal can be found here. (Copy and paste link) https://www.upei.ca/research-services/forms

NSERC invites applications for initiatives that promote the natural sciences and engineering (NSE) to Canada's young people, particularly to under-represented groups in NSE careers, including girls and Indigenous peoples.

Funding Organization

Announcement Type

Research Category

Internal Deadline

NSERC invites applications for initiatives that promote the natural sciences and engineering (NSE) to Canada's young people, particularly to under-represented groups in NSE careers, including girls and Indigenous peoples.PromoScience supports hands-on learning experiences for young students and their teachers. Grants may not be used to support research.The maximum allowable request is $200,000/year for 3 years. NSERC will not fund 100% of the costs of a proposed activity. NSERC's contribution is generally up to one-third of a program's funding, but NSERC will allow more flexibility if justified for competition 2022 given the circumstances surrounding COVID-19.Only one application may be submitted per department in a post-secondary institution per competition year.For more information, visit the PromoScience website<https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Promoter-Promotion/PromoScience-PromoScience/About-Apropos_eng.asp>.UPEI Submission Process 2022:Due to NSERC's application limit, each department can submit only one application.1) Applicants will submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to their Chair (or Dean for non-departmentalized faculties) by Monday, August 8th.  The LOI (limit one page) will contain the following:  *   List of names of the principal investigator and co-investigators (and their affiliation)  *   Title of the project  *   A description of the project that includes the following information:     *   A description of the nature and goals of the program including the anticipated number of youth or teachers to be reached     *   An overview of how the PromoScience funding would be spent and details on other sources of funding (confirmed and/or anticipated)     *   A description of the relevant experience of the applicant and other team members in science or engineering promotion2) Chairs/Deans will select the top LOI from their faculty (or, if appropriate, encourage a collaborative application among interested applicants) and inform Research Services of the selected principal applicant from their department by Friday, August 26th.  Chairs/Deans should consult with Research Services regarding any questions about the eligibility of proposed applications.3) Selected applicants will prepare their application following NSERC's application process<https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Promoter-Promotion/PromoScience-PromoScience/CallApplication-AppelDemande_eng.asp> and must submit the application using the UPEI Romeo Researcher Portal<https://www.upei.ca/research-services/forms> for internal review and approval by September 8th, ensuing that the application is received by Research Services by September 12th.  Upon receipt of approval from Research Services, applicants must submit their application to NSERC electronically using NSERC?s ICSP Secure Submission Site<https://competitions2.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/sites/500001/993/home.aspx>.

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